
Confirmed list of Invited speakers:

Maria ALCOLEA (Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge)

Francis CORSON (ENS Paris, France)

Luca GIORGETTI (FMI Basel, Switzerland)

Zena HADJIVASILIOU (Francis Crick Institute, UK)

Aneta KOSESKA (MPI for Neurobiology of Behavior, Germany)

Nicoletta PETRIDOU (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany)

Diana, PINHEIRO (IMP, Austria)

Amy SHYER (Rockefeller University, USA)

Katharina SONNEN (Hubrecht Institute, The Netherlands)

Sander TANS (AMOLF Institute, The Netherlands)

Christoph ZECHNER (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics , Germany)

Thomas GREGOR (Pasteur Institute, France and Princton University, USA)


Contributed talks:

In addition to the Invited speakers, the conference will feature ~15 contributed talks with speakers selected based on abstract submissions. We will post the list soon after the abstract submission closes.